Are You a Book Snob Tag

1. Format Snob: You can only choose one format in which to read books for the rest of your life. Which one do you choose: physical books, e-books, or audiobooks?

Physical books. I would read less, but as long as I have access to a library, I should be fine.

2. Adaptation Snob: Do you always read the book before watching the film/TV show?

It depends. If I’m on the fence about the book, I’ll watch he movie first. But if a trailer sparks my interest, I might read the book first.

3. Ship Snob: Would you date or marry a non-reader?

No. Books make about 25% of my personality and take a lot of my time. A partner wouldn’t understand half of what I say if he’s not a reader.

4. Genre Snob: You have to ditch one genre – never to be read again for the rest of your life. Which one do you ditch?

Mysteries. I don’t pay enough attention for them to be enjoyable.

5. Uber Genre Snob: You can only choose to read from one genre for the rest of your life. Which genre do you choose?

Contemporary. That way, I can still reread most of my favorite books.

6. Community Snob: Which genre do you think receives the most snobbery from the bookish community?

If we’re talking about genres that get looked down on, romance. Yes, the genre can be formulaic, but it’s a formula that works. And if you don’t like character driven stories, read something else! Don’t look down on something just because it’s not meant for you.

7. Snobbery Recipient: Have you ever been snubbed for something that you have been reading or for reading in general?

My 7th and 8th grade classmates made fun of my for reading “white people books” (meaning The Clique series).

Original Tag Creator

Flowers in the Brain (post unavailable)

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